3 Tips on How To De-Stress Your Covid Conscious Wedding

Covid Conscious Wedding

We imagine “How to de-stress my Covid Conscious Wedding” might be at the top of the list of questions you never imagined wondering about. We get it, and we hear you! Planning your wedding day during a global pandemic can feel far from dreamy. But believe it or not, it can be far less stressful and far more dreamy thank you think. In the last year, we have ventured alongside brides and grooms as they have braved the pandemic wedding waters. Again and again, we leave each wedding day inspired. All of these couples are showing us all: no matter what, love always prevails. It perseveres. It will always win.

Our hearts are in this business for a greater purpose than planning and capturing your dearest moments. We do what we do because we care about people and the stories their lives tell. So not only do we want to curate and photograph stunning real life moments, but we want to help you de-stress all along the way, too! Let’s help you shake off that stuck on stress. Below, we are sharing our top 3 tips on how to de-stress your Covid conscious wedding.

Covid Conscious Wedding Tip #1

covid conscience wedding

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. While it feels like a gut instinct to run for the hills, we encourage you to lean in to the current climate. We are with you–a global pandemic is not what anyone wanted. However, it is what we are facing. Our number one tip to you and your partner in “I do”? Embrace one another–couldn’t we all use more hugs?–and embrace this situation. Facing this situation together, hand in hand, will only strengthen your love. Even more so? The faster you embrace it, the sooner a lot of the stress will melt away. You are of course welcome to stress just a little bit, ever bride and groom does, but nothing makes a situation more stressful than, simply enough, stressing about it! Just like a tricky day–shake it off, hug each other, smile, and carry on. You’ve got this!

Tip #2

Now that you are comfortable together, ensure your loved ones are, too. Each and every person has different comfort levels when it comes to outings in recent times. To be sure all of your nearest and dearests are comfortable on your big day, maintain all of the parameters suggested by the professionals. Space out tables and table settings, ceremony chairs, etc. The cherry on top to show your guests how much you care? Provide color coded bracelets at the entrance to your ceremony. Red bracelet = Keep your distance. Yellow bracelet = Elbow touches only. Green bracelets = I would love a hug.

Covid Conscious Wedding

Covid Conscious Wedding Tip #3

Make it pretty. We know thinking of your guests or bridal party in masks can be disheartening but there is a way to make those masks blend right in with your gorgeous day. Instead of allowing guests to wear whatever mask they would like, provide colored masks for them at your ceremony entrance. They can then change out of the masks they wore in and put on the marvelously matched masks you selected. Maybe offer them in the same hue your bridesmaids will be wearing. Or the same color of your centerpiece florals. Whatever you decide, providing themed/colored masks that blend in with your day will work wonders. Instead of masks sticking out in your photos, they will instead blend right in seamlessly to the beauty of your dream day.  This is especially true for your bridal party.  While we do not have many places that are requiring masks during the ceremony for the party, some Churches are.

Covid Conscious Wedding

We truly hope these quick tips are super helpful in lessening the stress that comes along with wedding planning but especially planning during the unknown of this Covid craziness.  We truly care that our couples and anyone who may have stumbled upon this blog looking for a beacon of hope, is reassured that this too shall pass.  Never let a little fabric get in the way of the best day ever!

Looking for some more advice on planning during a pandemic? We are here to help! Click here: Getting Married During the Pandemic

Written by Social Curator: Kelsey Pfleiderer