How to prepare for your Mother’s Day Mini Sessions

Mothers Day Mini Sessions

How to prepare for your Mother’s Day Mini Sessions


Who’s ready for Mini Sessions, we are – we are!  <3 Here are a few helpful tips to prepare for your Mother’s Day Mini Sessions.

While shooting with our models we realized that the whites and light blues look really great with our set. Pinks and light browns were a big hit too! Basically- think spring neutrals for these and you can’t go wrong! If you are feeling a little bolder or have little guys, solid deep blue or navy would look good too, but no greens please.

Time Considerations and Parking:

Please prepare to arrive 15 minutes prior to your session start time. This will give you time to stretch and make sure that we can stick to our schedule as closely as possible! While we understand things may come up, please keep us advised as much as you can. When you arrive to the location, please park on the street. We are using a lovely host’s home and we do not want to block their driveway or interrupt their lives as we utilize their designed space! In addition, because this is someone’s property, please treat it as such.

Snacks and Nap-time:

If you are bringing small children to your session; please bring some snacks that are not messy, but are your child’s favorite! As we know, we can all get a little hangry sometimes, so please plan accordingly! And when asking for a time slot, please consider when your child is happiest. We will do our best to accommodate everyone so that we have a positive session for everyone.


How to prepare for your Mother's Day Mini Sessions


Loving this!  Reserve your spot here

before they are all sold out!

Mother's Day Mini Sessions


Now some extra tips from our Fellow Mama Hearts:

  1. We are aiming for personality…not perfection! All those little things that make your little ones your little ones (yes, even the things you might wish they would not bring to a portrait session!) are what make them so adorably them. The best, most treasured and memorable photos are the ones that show true, honest moments. As such, come with the expectation that your little ones will likely do some things you wish they would not do. They may ruffle up the perfectly pressed portrait outfit. They may tug their hairbows until they are completely lopsided on the wrong side of their head. And they may even sneak in that funky new favorite spoon they have spontaneously become completely enamored with. And guess what? All of these things are normal, and all of them are what will make your family portraits your family portraits. Perfection is overrated, anyway.
  2.  As you manage your own expectations, remember to manage those of your little ones, too. Let them know ahead of time that they are getting their picture taken, and about how long it will take. Snapshots not their favorite Sunday activity? Throw in a trip to the drive thru to scoop up their favorite milkshake as part of the complete agenda once the portrait session is checked off their little to do lists.
  3. Most importantly? Have fun. As we shared earlier, your family and the personalities inside of it is what makes you all so beautifully unique and special. Having fun during your session as a family will allow all of those personalities to shine more beautifully than ever—giving you portraits and a fun afternoon together that are both unforgettably special for years to come.



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