Sunrise VS. Sunset Beach Photoshoot

Sunrise VS. Sunset Beach PhotoshootSunrise VS. Sunset Beach Photoshoots: A Look at What’s Best For You

One common question arises time and time again: sunrise vs. sunset beach photoshoot–how to choose? While there is honestly no wrong answer, there are definite differences in each time of day. Depending on your personal preferences, the dynamic of your family, and so much more, we are going to go over every “heads up” we chat through with our clients when trying to decide on timing. Find yourself in these sandy shoes, too? Look no further. Let’s dive in together!Fort Myers beach family photographer florida beach sunrise photoshoot

Sunrise Settings

We know, we know: getting yourself and your whole family up for a sunrise may not be something that sounds “worth it”. But let these photos serve as proof: sunrise sessions are truly jaw-dropping! (Even if you are not heading out for a photoshoot, we highly recommend you experience a beach sunrise during your time in Florida. You won’t regret it!) One of the biggest reasons we may recommend a sunrise session is the makeup of your family. If you have a little one, it’s likely they may be a bit more cooperative bright and early as opposed to just before bedtime. So if you’re looking to capture those sweet little grins–or at the very least, avoid a meltdown!–sunrise is likely best for you.

In addition, the sunrise offers significantly less fellow beach goers. Sunset tends to be the busiest time of day for most Florida beaches, while sunrise tends to be the most peaceful as folks often enjoy sleeping in during their vacation days. If you are one who seeks the quiet, and doesn’t want to be snapped in front of many others, sunrise is the way to go for a more private, peaceful session.

florida beach sunrise photoshoot

Sunrise VS. Sunset Beach PhotoshootSunset Settings

There is a reason why the Florida sunsets are so infamous and noteworthy. They truly are fantastic, and each evening offers an entirely different painting in the sky than the last. Even if you are a Floridian, it doesn’t matter how long you have been local, they never lose their magic! Sunset photoshoots offer a different tone. You may get those more vibrant hues on your photos–while also having some “moodier” shots after the sun has set. As seen above, the sunrise offers more of the “glowy” vibe. Sunset may be the best timing for you if you have preteens or teenagers in your family. As we all know, sunrise is likely not something they may be a fan of! Sleeping in is more their heart’s desire–especially if they are in vacation mode.

To add to the note above, the sunsets are indeed very busy on the Florida beaches. While we will always make it work and ensure we capture you and your gorgeous family perfectly–we do want to note to make extra time for parking and getting to your beach location if opting for a sunset session.

All in all, you cannot go wrong! Sunrise or sunset, you and your family are sure to be just as stunning as the surroundings. We can’t wait to capture your session!

Looking for some more beach photoshoot advice? Dive in here: How to Prepare for your Beach Family Photo Shoot

Written by Social Curator: Kelsey Pfleiderer